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tbm People Services
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We Align People and Enable Teams

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We hear it a lot: “We are all about our people”.  Yet managing talent and keeping employees resilient and engaged is a challenge for most organizations.  In today’s knowledge driven economy, a bulletproof people strategy is a must for successful transformation.  Frequently, companies invest heavily in technology solutions only to be disappointed when business results are not delivered.  People and culture are the key focus and critical capability in our business transformation model.  We help organizations thrive by integrating our people services deeply into our technology, strategy and innovation capabilities enabling our clients success.  


Our People Services

Culture Assessment and Design

Understand your current culture and develop an agile culture of resilience and growth.

Organization and Talent Development

Set an optimal structure for your organization and grow your talent to optimize performance.

​Change Management

Master the art of change through an integrated approach to change management.

Executive Search and Integration

Identify, transition and integrate world-class leadership that fit and thrive in your culture.

Smart Collaboration Design

Create a dynamic and effective collaboration model for your remote and in-person team.

Team Alignment and Executive Coaching

Develop leadership resilience, cohesion and cross-functional alignment at every step of the journey.

Are you ready to elevate your talent's creativity, agility and resilience?

Connect with us and together let's chart out this journey towards a better, agile, people-oriented organization that delivers.

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Change Management  

With today’s ever-changing economy, effectively responding to change has become not only an advantage but also essential for organizational survival. 


On the path of transformation, sudden and unexpected change is expected.  In contrast to traditional change management, which occurs as an isolated activity, our change management approach provides an integrated methodology that ties change to culture, strategy, technology and innovation.  We focus on simplicity and the human side of digital transformation and coach leaders to implement increasingly complex change in a thoughtful, precise and humane way. 


Image by Ben Lowe
Your Unique Journey With Us

Vision Co-creation


Develop shared and compelling vision for change.


Integrated Approach


Systemic change to culture, strategy, technology

and innovation.

Change Readiness


Monitor the journey and predict future actions using date driven analytics.


Enable your organization’s transformation by learning and embracing rapid change management through our research-backed, integrated approach to change management.

Let us help you to navigate this journey.

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Organization and Talent Development

For a transformation journey to move forward effectively, the foundations of organizational design and talent development must be properly established.


In an era of continuous change, organizations lacking robust and resilient design for their people development are bound to fail.  We provide a world class portfolio of organizational assessment, talent management and capability building tools to help achieve business transformation.  We can assess your current people strategy, learning and development plans and organizational structures.  With a data-driven approach, we identify the precise opportunities to become more resilient, agile, creative and collaborative on your journey to high performance.  We create a simple and effective organizational map that will guide you to reach your your transformation goals. 

Your Unique Journey With Us

Talent Insights


Assess your organizational structure and current talent and understand what design and skillset are critical for transformation.


Capability Integration


Validate what is missing in the organization to create a high performing and agile leadership and talent pool.


Future Ready Design


Chart a map of your organizational and people strategy and begin the journey to organizational excellence.


Secure your organizational structure and people development with the right capabilities to begin your transformation journey in the right direction.

Let us help you to navigate this journey.

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Culture Assessment and Design 

It has become a cliché that “culture eats strategy for breakfast.”  We believe that culture eats strategy…period.  It is no surprise that numerous research studies point to the fact that over 70% of transformation projects fail due to organizational culture. 


For this reason, we recognize culture as a critical beginning of any transformation journey.  We are also fully aware that it is not easy to change deep-rooted norms and cultures.  This is why we offer innovative and proven culture assessment and design methods to support you at every step of the journey.  Using world-class culture assessments, we provide a variety of tools and expertise to deeply understand your organization’s existing culture through qualitative and quantitative analytics and create a purpose-driven cultural environment.


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Your Unique Journey With Us

Culture Diagnostic


Increase awareness and clarity of strength, weaknesses and dynamics.


Honest Dialogue


Engage in conversations to understand what really drives this transformation.


Purpose-Driven Culture


Design and develop an agile culture that retains and attracts quality talent.



Discover what it takes to develop a culture of organizational excellence by utilizing our cutting-edge culture innovation tools and leadership coaching along your transformation journey. 

Let us help you to navigate this journey.

Complementary Services:

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Smart Collaboration Design 

How do you enable highly specialized teams to collaborate with each other and increase agility?  How do you ensure revenue and improvement opportunities are not lost because of functional experts working alone “in their caves”?  Finally, how do you enhance communication and collaboration in a remote working environment?


Many of us are good at working individually.  However, once we start working with other people, the complexity exponentially increases.  Research findings prove that collaboration increases creativity, individual satisfaction, employee engagement and long-term quality.  Real collaboration is difficult especially with cross-functional teams, different working styles, time-sensitive projects and remote locations. 

Our leading-edge solutions provide agile ways of working that enable people to collaborate openly and produce results no matter the pace of change, degree of specialization and independent of locations.

Our transformational business model is based on open communication and leadership coaching to support terms by creating the optimal collaboration space for improved performance.

Your Unique Journey With Us

Cross Functional Teamwork

Develop agile ways of cross-functional collaboration to deliver results.


Organizational Alignment

Create the right structures that naturally enable

smart collaboration.



Collaborative Design


Establish a rich culture and mindset, built on virtual, remote and in-person settings.


Capitalize on our proven collaboration methodology and have your team thrive together through change.

Let us help you to navigate this journey.

Complementary Services:

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Executive Search and Integration 

We help clients with executive search, assessments and the appointment of senior technology and digital executives, technology leadership teams and board members to support the strategic transformation agenda.


Finding the right person to lead the enterprise can make or break any transformation initiatives.  We believe that scoping the right leadership is not only based on industry, expertise or seniority.  Unlike many traditional executive search services, we place special emphasis on the cultural fit and ensure executives’ complete alignment with the organization’s values and commitments.  We also cover the end-to-end process including search, transition and full integration into the new company culture.  Through our diagnostic tools and executive coaching support, we ensure all executives are set up for success from the moment they are identified to the moment they are ready to lead the organization.


Your Unique Journey With Us

Transformational Leadership

Discover world-class executives that are fully aligned with the organizational values and commitments.


Executive Assimilation

Fully integrate executives into the organization’s culture and ensure leadership alignment.


Diversity and Inclusion

Maximize diverse perspectives at the board and executive level.


Build the foundations of your organization’s transformation by ensuring you identify and on-board exactly the right executive committed to making a difference. 

Let us help you to navigate this journey.

Complementary Services:

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Team Alignment and Executive Coaching 

The transformation journey is not easy and has a very high failure rate.  There are many obstacles along the way and even for the most experienced leaders, it is not always easy to see things clearly amid rapid change. 


Executive coaching provides leaders the guidance to enhance relationships and take new perspectives for collaborative success.  Our executive coaching experts dive deep to illuminate blind spots that limit performance.  This also extends to cross-functional team alignment and leadership coaching.  We support you along the transformation journey by aligning cross-functional teams especially when many variables are involved such as competing priorities and divergent interests.  We help unify teams building a shared vision aligned to achieve your business objectives.  Our focus includes organization development, transformation frameworks, team coaching models and other important executive development capabilities implemented by our certified coaches and experienced advisors. 


tbm People Services
Your Unique Journey With Us

Executive Resilience

Develop executive resilience to see things clearly and make the right decision in the face of continuous change.


Priority Alignment

Align your cross-functional team with a common purpose and unified priorities.


Emotional Intelligence

Understand yourself and others more deeply to develop learning and growth culture.


Navigate through the transformation journey by utilizing top quality coaching and by aligning and unifying your team.

Let us help you to navigate this journey.

Our People Services

Culture Assessment and Design

Understand your current culture and develop an agile culture of resilience and growth.

Organization and Talent Development

Set an optimal structure for your organization and grow your talent to optimize performance.

Change Management


Master the art of change through an integrated approach to change management.

Executive Search and Integration

Identify, transition and integrate world-class leadership that fit and thrive in your culture.

Smart Collaboration Design

Create a dynamic and effective collaboration model for your remote and in-person team.

Team Alignment and Executive Coaching

Develop leadership resilience, cohesion and cross-functional alignment at every step of the journey.

Are you ready to elevate your talent's creativity, agility and resilience?

Connect with us and together let's chart out this journey towards a better, agile, people-oriented organization that delivers.

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