by Alexandra Suvorova

Are we more engaged at work during this pandemic?
A Gallup research during the 2020 pandemic revealed that the number of engaged employees was high compared to previous years – 38%, while well-being had dropped to historical lows. Which is an interesting finding, since most of us would think that engagement would also have dropped during this difficult time.
Those 38%—highly involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to—their work and workplace could have been to the fact that those employees surveyed feel fortunate to have a job. Organizations are improving how they communicate during the pandemic: having a clear plan of action, preparing employees to do work in a new normal, providing regular updates on the pandemic and economic downturn, and ensuring support for wellbeing.
It is a known fact that relationship with the Line Manager can contribute to the engagement of employees. However, during a pandemic, managers are limited in the interactions they can have with employees. It is much more difficult to coach and provide support via video calls.
Then why are some employees, even those with little support from the manager, thriving?
According to research, having high scores on individual resilience and optimism (surviving difficult times with little trouble), explains 25% of an employee's inspiration at work.
Employees with high resilience are 310% more likely to love their jobs than employees with low resilience.
Employees with high resilience are 136% more likely to love their jobs than employees with even moderate resilience.
Optimism can be something difficult to maintain, when the world is upside down. However, people with high levels of optimism even in crisis time are far more inspired to give their best effort to work.
Being optimistic have direct correlation to the ability to survive difficult times and have enough resilience during a crisis. The good point is that both of these factors--optimism and resilience--can be taught and developed. Senior Leaders and HR professionals should spend more time and effort developing their employees' resilience and optimism.
Learned optimism process involves changing how employees think about causes of events.
Organizations can encourage employees to see that negative circumstances will not affect them forever and changes will come in the future. Positive thinking doesn't mean that employees ignore life's stressors. They just approach hardship in a more productive way, adapt to them and find strategies to deal with the obstacles in a more optimistic way.
Despite positive trends, monitoring employee engagement in the current environment is very important, to make sure that employees are driven by the right factors and not only by fear of losing a job and stability. Now more than ever, organizations should invest in employee engagement and resilience development programs to support their people through uncertainty, by identify drivers as well as blockers of a truly engaged workforce.
At TBM Partners we offer a customized approach to employee engagement survey and action planning focused on a particular organization culture and objectives. We can help identify organizational strengths and opportunities to leverage engagement, as well offer solutions to developing individual and organizational resilience.
To learn more about how we can help your organization come out of this crisis with better engaged and more resilient employees, talk to us…book a 30 mins discovery call.